Days Till Nine 30

Interactive Onboarding Tracker (IBOT)


A NAWCAD organization with offices in multiple locations was facing a challenge in their onboarding process. They had a standard onboarding process for all new hires, but it was manual, time-consuming, and lacked visibility into the progress of each new hire. As a result, they were facing delays and inconsistencies in their onboarding process. They approached Nine 30 to help them track and measure their onboarding process.


The customer was looking for a solution that could help them automate their onboarding process, track the progress of each new hire, and identify gaps in the process. The solution needed to be easy to use, customizable, and scalable across multiple locations. An added layer of complexity was that many of the pivotal hiring processes were external to the government organization, but needed to be tracked.


Nine 30 worked closely with the customer to understand their requirements and map their process. After determining the best path forward, the team designed a SharePoint-based tool called IBOT (Interactive Onboarding Tracker). IBOT was designed to be a one-stop-shop for all the onboarding needs of the organization. It was customizable to meet the specific needs of each department and location.

IBOT was designed with the following key features

Interactive Dashboard: IBOT has an interactive dashboard that provides a real-time view of the progress of each new hire. It allows managers to track the onboarding process and identify areas that needed improvement.

Customizable Workflows: IBOT has customizable workflows that allows managers to create a unique onboarding process for each new hire. The workflows can designed to meet the specific needs of each department and location.

Automated Notifications: IBOT has an automated notification system that reminds managers and new hires of upcoming onboarding tasks. This helps to ensure that the onboarding process is completed on time.

Measurable Progress: IBOT allows for measurements and metrics of each part of the onboarding process, providing actionable data.


The implementation of IBOT helped the customer to streamline their onboarding process and improve visibility into the progress of each new hire. IBOT helped the organization to identify gaps in their onboarding process and take corrective action. As a result, they were able to reduce the time required to onboard new hires and improve the consistency of their onboarding process.


Nine 30's IBOT tool was able to solve the customer's onboarding challenge by automating the process, providing visibility into the progress of each new hire, and identifying gaps in the process. The IBOT tool helped the customer to save time, reduce manual effort, and improve the consistency of their onboarding process.